A brilliant combo course of Foundation and Advanced levels. The course is suitable for students coming from non-medical and medical backgrounds, including complete beginners. We offer one to one tuition in our clinic on Harley Street in London. All our courses are tutored by medical professionals. We will arrange models for you training. Feel free to contact us on 0203 886
0995 to learn more about our special offers!
1. Foundation Anti-Wrinkle Injections 2. Advanced Anti-Wrinkle Injections
Practical Case Studies
1. Horizontal forehead lines 2. Frown lines 3. Crow’s feet 4. Hollywood brow lift 5. Smoker’s lines 6. Hollywood lips 7. Marionette lines 8. Mouth corners elevation and smile enhancement 9. Puckered or cobblestoned chin 10. Mental crease
Duration: 3-4 days
Equipment: Provided
Insurance: Guaranteed
Availability: Daily
Suitability: Non-medical and medical students
Payment plan: Provided
Find out more about our courses and training programmes